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Add and Remove Members

How to add and remove members from a pod via the Metropolis SDK.

Pod memberships can be minted or burned in two ways: either directly without requiring approval from a pod or through a proposal reaching approval threshold.

If you are an of the initiating address in relation to the impacted pod will determine whether mint/burn actions occur directly or through proposal. Pod members are managed via the MemberToken contract. The Pod object provides several methods to interact with this contract.

Add/remove members directly without proposal

Mint and burn memberships as a manager EOA/contract of a pod

Only EOAs or contracts (e.g., a timelock contract) that have been assigned a manager role for a pod can mint or burn members directly (without proposal) via the mintMember() and burnMember() functions. These functions will call the MemberToken contract directly and create a transaction.

const pod = await getPod(podAddress);

// This signer must be the manager of the pod.
await pod.mintMember(newMember, signer);
await pod.burnMember(memberToBurn, signer);

Add/remove members through proposal

Propose to mint and burn members as a member EOA of a pod

Unlike pod managers, regular pod members do not have privileges to directly mint or burn pod memberships. All mint/burn actions must be submitted as a proposal for the pod to approve. Once the proposal has reached quorum threshold, the mint or burn function will be called.

Only members on a given pod can propose to mint or burn members for the pod.

As a member EOA of a pod, you can propose to mint or burn memberships with the following:

const pod = await getPod(podAddress);

// Signer must be a member of the pod.
await pod.propose(await pod.mintMember(newMember), signer);
await pod.propose(await pod.burnMember(memberToBurn), signer);

Propose to mint and burn members as a manager pod or member pod

Manager pods

Whole pods can be designated as managers of other pods.

However, unlike manager EOAs/contracts that can directly mint or burn memberships of a pod, manager pods require pod approval before they can mint or burn memberships of any pods they are a manager of.

You can propose to mint or burn memberships as a manager pod with the following:

// This will create a proposal on the manager pod to mint a new member to our pod.
// Signer must be a member of adminPod
await adminPod.propose(await pod.mintMember(newMember, signer);

// This will create a proposal on the manager pod to burn a member from our pod
// Signer must be a member of adminPod
await adminPod.propose(await pod.burnMember(memberToBurn, signer);

Once the proposal is created, users can approve or reject within the Metropolis web app or you can build an experience to approve, reject and execute proposals through the SDK.

Member Pods

Any pod that is a member of another pod is a member pod. Our "Round Table" and "High Council" models on our Pod Configurations page show examples of member pods.

Member pods can submit a proposal to remove a member of the pod they are a member of (parent pod). In this scenario, a 1) super proposal is created for all parent pod members (including other member pods) to vote on.

You can propose to mint or burn memberships as a member pod with the following:

await subPod.propose(
// Create the super proposal from the member pod.
await pod.propose(await pod.mintMember(newMember),,
address, // Creating the sub proposal from the wallet address.

await subPod.propose(
// Create the super proposal from the member pod.
await pod.propose(await pod.burnMember(memberToBurn),,
address, // Creating the sub proposal from the wallet address.

Once the proposal is created, users can approve or reject within the Metropolis web app or you can build an experience to approve, reject and execute proposals through the SDK.